The project is centered on the research and (prototype) development of (1) a meta-language for ONTOCHAIN application/components, (2) ontologies to be used in domain-specific scenarios, and (3) a low-code environment (IDE) that will leverage them to produce ONTOCHAIN applications/components.



Motivation for the project:

By providing assisted means to develop ONTOCHAIN applications/components, the proposed solution would greatly ease their development. Furthermore, the model-driven approach would also foster interoperability and help define the applications/components themselves, both key goals of the framework.

Generic use case description:

The solution’s will be constituted by a low-code IDE for typical ONTOCHAIN applications/components, i.e. trustworthy content handling and trustworthy knowledge/information exchange in various domains (education, Social Networks, eHealth, etc.).

Essential functionalities:

a) Low-code IDE for ONTOCHAIN applications/components: (web-based) visual development environment accessible in SaaS.
b) (Meta) ontologies able to model ONTOCHAIN applications components and formally define them.

How these functionalities can be integrated within the software ecosystem:

The IDE will be accessible in SaaS (via the AstraKode Blockchain platform). The applications/components produced by the IDE are going to be natively compatible with the ecosystem.

Gap being addressed:

We aim to address the lack of formal definition for ONTOCHAIN applications/components, and make their development more accessible and less costly.

Expected benefits achieved with the novel technology building blocks:

- Formal definition of ONTOCHAIN applications/components and their requirements (with respect to at least 2 use cases) through ontologies and models
- Easier and more accessible development of ONTOCHAIN applications/components
- Increased interoperability by design

Potential demonstration scenario:

The IDE will produce applications/components compatible with at least 2 use cases, which should be tested within the existing ecosystem. The finer details of the demonstration will depend on the specifics of the use cases.







Fabiano Izzo

Fabiano Izzo (Smart Shaped - CEO)

Passionate IT expert and entrepreneur, specialized in web technologies and model-driven approaches to software development.



Lucio Menna

Lucio Menna (Smart Shaped - CTO)

Back-end specialist with expensive experience in the enterprise software field, and in-depth expertise on private and public blockchains.



Damiano D’Amici

Damiano D’Amici (Smart Shaped - Analyst & Developer)

Multidisciplinary expert with extensive knowledge of low-code (model-driven) approaches and private blockchain logic and infrastructure.




Sandra Potten

Sandra Potten (D-Visor - CEO)

Co-founder, co-director and CEO of D-Visor, with a background in sales and marketing in the pharmaceutical field, (IT-driven) event management and business liaison.




Willem-Jan van den Heuvel

Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (D-Visor - CTO)

Author, visionary, and full professor in Data Engineering whose R&D interests reside at the cross-junction of data-intensive software service systems, semantic interoperability and brokering, and blockchain-based applications.



Damian A. Tamburri

Damian A. Tamburri (D-Visor)

Associate Professor and researcher in the field of DevOps, DataOps and highly federated (Blockchain) architecture, with a vast track-record in publication for influencing industrial standards such as TOSCA.







Smart Shaped Software

Teamwork and quality solutions to lead enterprises towards successful digital transformations.








D-Visor is a Dutch applied R&D security tech SME that focuses on developing, offering and supporting innovative AI-driven solutions.
